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Serbian Month
FIFA Gaming Tournament ⚽

Serbian Month FIFA Gaming Tournament

Players of FIFA 20 are invited to join an eSport tournament during the Serbian Month in Great Britain and challenge their skills.

Win a trophy and title, become a first The Best Serbian Month Gamer!

The top three players will be recognized and get a trophy or plaques.

Age: Open to players from 13 to 25 years old

Under 18s require parental permission to participate in the tournament.

Start date: Monday 15th February 2021.

Matches taking place during the half-term week, 15th to 20th February.

Final: Saturday 20th or Sunday 21st February.

Tournament host: Oliver Jordan.

A full timetable will be announced once the list of players is concluded and dates/times for qualification matches discussed with players. 
Competitors will have the chance to agree on suitable times for matches to take place.

Deadline for applications 10th February by 12 noon.

To register your interest please fill out the form below and we will contact you with further details and outline safeguarding guidelines for the tournament.

If there are not enough applicants possibly only one console will be used for the tournament.

Questions: Contact us

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