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Serbian Month Catalogue 2023 Needs You!

We need you to tell us more about British Serbs around you. And about yourself.

Serbian Anglophile Count Čedomilj Mijatović says our community needs you !

We need contributions for catalogue for Serbian Communities in UK and Ireland, Great British Serbs, Young British Serbs, Old British Serbs, Serbian Customs and Celebrations.

The Round Table has been producing a Serbian Month Catalogue as part of Serbian Month since 2018. Initially the catalogue featured the programme, a summary of Serbian community organisations active in Britain and short biographies of prominent Serbian artists, academics and sports men and women. In 2021 the Round Table agreed to expand the focus of the catalogue to cover the theme British Serbs. The 2021 and 2022 catalogues focused on the history of Serbian communities in Britain, the contribution made by prominent British Serbs to British society and to Serbia, British friends of Britain , the relationship between the Serbian and British Royal Families and young people’s experiences of growing up in Britain with a Serbian heritage. The catalogues are available on or Serbian Month – Serbian Council of Great Britain and are available for purchase – £6 per copy plus postage by Emailing

The catalogues have been so well received in Britain and Serbia that the Round Table has decided that this should be a long term project which will be built on in future years. It aims to tell the history of the Serbian community in Britain because no such history exists. We need to know our history if we are to understand ourselves and celebrate the contribution we make to Britain and be able to share this with the wider British public so that they understand us better. What has been produced only scratches the surface and covers the period up to WW2 and we need your help in making sure that the story we tell is rich and comprehensive and covers the whole of the UK and Ireland.

We need contributors for:

  • Serbian Communities in the UK and Ireland: If your community has not featured in the 2021 or 2022 catalogues and you would like to write a brief history about it please let us know. We need pieces on our communities in Scotland, Telford, Cambridge, Bristol Walton Cross and Walton Abbey and others that we may not know about.
  • Great British Serbs: Suggestions of prominent members of our community in all fields from across the UK and Ireland from WW2 onwards
  • Young British Serbs: Young people’s experiences of growing up in Britain with a Serbian heritage have been particularly popular so we would like to get many more contributions from across the all our communities, particularly those not covered in previous catalogues.
  • Old British Serbs: The experiences of the older members of our community of coming to Britain after WW2 and establishing our communities need to be documented before it is too late. We need to be aware of the debt we owe them and we need contributions from across the UK and Ireland.
  • Serbian Customs and Celebrations: A new section next year will be on Serbian customs and celebrations and it would be interesting to know how these are celebrated in Britain and how this differs from the way these customs and celebrations are followed in Serbia. The five best pieces will be printed and those featured receive a free copy of the catalogue.

If you are interested in contributing please contact Maya Jordan, Director of Serbian Month on

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